Sunday, August 1, 2010

double digits and a purchase

I'm 10 weeks pregnant today! That means we've known for six weeks, and I can't decide if they've gone by quickly or slowly. Now I'm counting down the days 'til our next ultrasound...five more. I can't wait to see baby again and see how those little arms and legs will have grown!

Yesterday I went shopping with my sister-in-law and made my first baby purchase! We wandered into the baby section of Old Navy, and there was a sale. I decided this was absolutely necessary:

It felt good to buy something for baby, like I actually believe I'll bring her or him home in February. I feel like I have to nudge my excitement a bit, but I'll get there.

5 kind words:

  1. I'm so proud of you for buying something! It was hard for me at first, too, but I felt like I had too, and going shopping here and there has really helped me stay excited about Liam as opposed to being afraid I won't bring him home.

    You are 1/4 of the way there!

  2. I am excited that you bought that too! First it is just too cute and secondly, it is a sign of hope. I think that is powerful stuff!

  3. It does feel good to buy for baby!

  4. Good for you!!!! Keep doing it! You ARE bringing this sweet little baby home and I can't wait to see him or her!
