Monday, October 11, 2010

20 weeks - halfway!!

Each day brings me closer to checking off another milestone on my list! Hitting 20 weeks yesterday has to be the funnest one yet. I'm in baby mode. On Friday, Paul and I went around town to Babies R Us and Baby Depot to play with some car seats, strollers and pack-and-plays. No purchases yet, but now we have some preferences that aren't based only on customer reviews and colors. Now it's time to start making calls to find a place for this little one to go come May.

The more I read about cloth diapering and learn the language, the more excited I am. (We'll likely use disposables right away and then keep some on hand for some outings and emergencies.) What brands/styles do you prefer? Where do you buy them? I'm thinking about a mix of perfect fits and all-in-ones, but I need advice about quantities if planning to wash every other day. Share your thoughts, ladies!

It's just so fun to talk about baby stuff and believe we'll actually get to use it soon! I just crave small hints of normalcy. :)

milestone timeline
see heartbeat
finish progesterone
14 weeks
18 weeks
20 weeks
24 weeks
28 weeks
37 weeks
baby in my arms

4 kind words:

  1. Congrats on reaching this milestone!!!

  2. Yay for 20 wks!!

    I love CDing. I started w/ my daughter Kyndra when she was 4 months old so Lainey was my first experience with CDing a newborn and it's been great! For my NB dipes I have 30 Kissaluv size 0's and 7 covers (5 are PUL and 2 are fleece soakers). For Kyndra we have 24 Tiny Tush OS Elite. I'm really happy with the CDs that we have. I've tried a lot of different brands and styles. You just have to find what works for you and what you like. Trial by error really.

    My preference is the pocket dipes b/c you can stuff as much absorbency as you need in them. I also like the OS because you don't have to buy a new size when they outgrow the one they are in. One of the reasons I like the Tiny Tush is b/c it has 4 size settings.

    As far as washing, with the amount I have for both girls right now I wash about every other day. But with 2 I have to do it more often b/c my wetbag gets fuller quicker. And the younger the baby the more dipes you will go through so you'll be washing more often. As they get older you'll have to wash less.

    My first go to site is Diaperswappers. Other sites I buy off of is,, and

    If you ever have any CD questions just shoot me an email!

  3. I used cloth with my first and liked it pretty much. Pockets I found to be to time consuming and messy. Stuffing them and unstuffing them (dirty) add two extra steps to the laundering process. There is a new type where the insert just sits in and I've heard great things. It's called Flips. Diaperswappers is a great forum where most of you questions can be answered. I like and greenmountaindiapers for buying.

    My favorite combo has been a good fitted diaper with a good cover. I found it to be a trim option with no leaks due to having to layers of elastic around the legs. If I do it again, I'll try flips.
    Good Luck!

  4. I spent hours and hours and hours and hours and oh, hours researching cloth for Matthew--there is SO much out there!

    For us, I needed to make sure first and foremost it would be easy to get John on board (he was not a huge fan) so AIO were mostly what I was looking at. I used this website for a lot of reviews, ideas, etc: I'm sure you've come across it, but I thought it was pretty informative on a variety of different brands and tips.

    For Matthew's stash, I went to this site:
    and bought the Bumgenius 12Pack in X-small for those initial newborn days it was $140, which I didn't think was too bad after comparing prices elsewhere. I also bought a couple of the flip covers/inserts, but not sure about those. We got a few as well, so I have about 18 for the newborn days. My plan was to use those initially, see what I thought (have a few disposables on hand if needed!) and then as soon as he was born, order the AIO one-size--probably 18 or so....figuring those would take us through potty training if what the sites and my friends who use them say is correct.

    I've also heard great things about the Kissaluvs, but like I said, for us, the MORE like a disposable, the better for John and the easier to buy in, so I tried to stay away from things that needed covers additionally.
    I've recently come across something that I think I might pick a few extra up for Luke- I figure that I can pre-stuff for John's use (he may like them so much, he'll eventually get there!) but like them for the nursery at church, travel, etc...

    You're right--all the CD lingo is addictive and exciting!!!!

    HOORAY 20 weeks!!!!!!!!!
